Brand New From Inge Rock - 2020 Release

If You Want To Get Out Of Your Own
Way, Create A Positive Mindset,
Improve Your Quality Of Life…

This Book Will Change Your Life


Inge Rock

From The Desk Of Inge Rock
Author, Speaker, Coach & Trainer

Hi friend!
I’m here to show you how to get unstuck so that you can live up to your potential and help others do the same. I know you’ve got big dreams - but getting out of your own way to achieve them has been a struggle.

Am I right?
This book provides a practical solution to help you recognize what gives you energy – and what drains you, what internal stressors are holding you back – and how to release them so you can take charge of your life again.

But before we go on, I must warn you...

This isn’t some woo woo technique where you visualize what you want – and the universe magically delivers it. You will have to put in the work.

So if you’re good with that, let’s move on.

My friend, the world is desperate for positivity. You know it, and so do I.

There is something more just waiting for you around the corner – and you feel it in the depths of your soul.

You’re fed up with yourself and you’re ready for a change. That’s why you’re here. And that’s why I can help you.

In the pages of this book and the exercises at the end of each chapter, you will learn how to move past your roadblocks and steer your life in the direction that your soul is screaming for it to go.

Right now you’re on autopilot. And I think you know this.

However, if you are willing to put in the work, I’ll show you how to take the steering wheel back.

Remember my friend, the pilot determines the direction.

But these days there are too many people who let their subconscious direct their path. Only 10% of the people in this world have a dream – and even less turn their dreams into reality.

Don’t be discouraged by these statistics, however, because the truth is anyone CAN take control of the wheel and pilot their life. And the fact that you are here tells me you’re ready.

You can create what you want, without limits, if you choose to take action.

You have the strength and you have the power to transform your circumstances, whatever they may be, and create a new outcome – one that you feel good about. And one that will lead you down the right path for the rest of your life.

In this book, I’m going to challenge you to identify the signposts in your life and make a conscious decision on which ones to follow. You will discover how to identify those that send you in a vicious circle – and those that move you forward.

And we’ll dive into the science of it all to help you make that connection between your mind and your heart.

Here's what you'll learn:

➡️ When enough is enough – identifying the things in your life that give you energy, and those that drain you. (page ____).
➡️Stress – what it does to you, and how to reframe it. (page ___)
Your soul, your dreams – and how to become the pilot of your life. (page ___ )
➡️Phases of your life – and the difference between ambition and significance (page ___)
➡️Your convictions – and how they play a role in the path that you are on. (page ____)
➡️Why your circumstances are not what they appear to be. (page ____)
Emotions – eliminating the old vicious circle and installing a new, better one. (page ___)
➡️Connecting your mind with your heart – and why you need to do this. (page ___)
➡️The key to getting unstuck - and climbing the energy ladder. (page ____)
➡️How to stay true to your dream – for the rest of your life! (page ____)

Think of this book as a guidepost that helps you unlock your own unlimited potential. You’ll learn to recognize what has prevented you from taking control of your life, and how to overcome it.

Are you ready? Here's what to do next:

Place your order online for the book. The cost is $6.90 . Then check your email.
You’ll have one from me with a link to download it, and you can access the book immediately.
No catch. No behind the scenes marketing ploy or hidden program that you are being “hooked” to buy.
Just practical information and exercises to show you how to get unstuck, recognize the dream within you, and go for it!
My dream is that once you unlock yours, you’ll tell others about this – and they will tell even more people.
And one day, together, we will see more than 10% of the people of this world turning dreams into reality. Just think of how many lives could be transformed!
What could that do to our civilization as we know it?
But it starts with you, my friend.
I’m offering the book at such a discounted price right now as a test for my business.
And time is limited to get it at $6.90.


Once the word gets out about how life-changing the information and these exercises are, the price will go up. Because, in order for me to continue impacting lives in this way, I’ve got to continue to fund the work, right?
So I encourage you to take advantage of this offer while it lasts. You won’t regret it.
I’m so certain this book will help you that I’ll refund you the small fee I’m charging if you’re not satisfied. That’s right, 100% money-back guarantee.
And you can still keep the book.
What do you have to lose? (Besides an old mindset that’s clearly not serving you.)
So let’s get started. Claim your copy of the book at this price before it’s gone.
You’ve made it this far through the letter, my friend. Don’t let fear or old convictions stop you from taking the next step…

The BOLDEST Guarantee in History

I 100% guarantee you'll love this book, or I'll return your $6.90 - and let you keep the book anyway.

That's right. If you’re unhappy for any reason, just email me and I'll refund your $6.90 no questions asked.
How's that for fair?

This Is Truly A Limited Offer, So Claim Your Copy Now Before They're All Gone

Talk to you soon!
Inge Rock
P.S. The “good stuff” is always at the end, right? If you’ve skimmed through the rest of this page to get here, I’ll sum it up for you really quick.
First, with practical, science-supported information, this book gives you the steps and exercises you need to take control of your life, unlock your dreams, and move in the direction of them.
It costs $6.90.
You will get real, actionable steps to get you on track. And if you do them, you will succeed.
If you don’t agree, I’ll refund your money – 100%. You keep the book.
There’s no catch, and no other offers connected to this that will cost you more money.
Just the information you need to get unstuck and live up to your dreams.
And since it is a marketing test, time is limited.
Get it now or pay more later for the same information.
You know you want it.
Click here to claim your copy now. You won’t regret it.