There are three major reasons why so many life coaches struggle and the secret ingredients to successful coaching practice.
If you are serious about being a life coach, business coach, sports coach, or already have a life coach certificate, but you don’t have clients, this article is definitely for you.
In the last decade, more than a thousand people passed through my Life Coach Certification Program. The good thing is that it is predicted that the coaching business will grow for the next ten years. That is great news for everyone that is starting.
We have seen the rise of so many different trends in the coaching business during the last ten years. However, there is a downside to that story because, despite the rise of the trends, it seems like so many starting coaches are unable to succeed in the world of coaching.
The reason number one why new coaches are unsuccessful!
Take care of yourself first!
As a person, you can only give to others what you have, what is in you.
Let me be a little bit more specific. How many times did you hear the sentence: I think that coach needs a coach before he or she can coach others.
You see, you can’t coach others if your past is still in the way.
Of course, if you start any coaching course, you will be a better person than before. However, considering that most coaching courses are about others, you will only discover a little bit about yourself.
The solution - Ingredient number one:
Make sure that when choosing a coaching education course, you will be guided in personal growth, and you will be able to coach yourself.
In my academy, we always start with you. After you master your emotions, fears, and obstacles, you can move to a second phase.
Remember, you have to be able to handle your past during your coaching dialogues with clients. That is possible only if you become a confident person.
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The reason number two why new coaches are unsuccessful!
Most people choose coaching education in the same manner as they order their food in the restaurant. They look to the right to figure out the price of the meal before they order it. Don’t get me wrong, cheap things can be good too, but a good coaching education is more than just a theory, and you will not be able to master it in 8 hours or by reading a book. 🙂
Coaching skill is not about theory; it is about practice.
Today my coaching class groups consist out of 6 people maximum. In more advanced classes we are working in classes of 3 people. There is a reason why I don’t do it in groups of 200 people in the room.
If you ask any life coach today why they are not coaching people, you will hear the next sentence: I feel that I don’t have enough experience and knowledge to help others.
This happens when you choose a coaching course with no or little follow-up!
The solution - Ingredient number two:
When you choose a coaching course, make sure you have as much support and practice hours as you can get.
Ask how many monitored practice hours you will have during your academic year(s) and how big those groups will be. 😉
This is essential for your success.
The reason number three why new coaches are unsuccessful!
Most people are entering the coaching world because they want to help others.
The most logical thing is to look for coaching education to provide them with a certificate where it says: LIFE COACH CERTIFIED.
All new coaches think: “If I have a paper where it says I am certified, people will come to me.”
Unfortunately WRONG!
I haven’t seen a single LIFE COACH CERTIFICATE hanging on the outside of the house during my whole life. 🙂
To get the clients, you will have to develop an extra skill, and that would be branding and client acquisition.
Most coaching educations don’t offer that kind of service. Once you are done with your coaching course, you are on your own.
If you have a problem: who you gonna call, GHOSTBUSTERS! 🙂
I am joking, but this is the hard truth.
I started adding client acquisition classes to my Life Coach Certification Course 10 years ago. I understood the need to get clients.
The solution - Ingredient number three:
When you choose a coaching course, make sure you have as much support and practice hours as you can get.
Ask how many monitored practice hours you will have during your academic year(s) and how big those groups will be. 😉
This is essential for your success.
Wat vertellen de Academy leden zelf?
De Inge Rock Academy heeft mij geleerd hoe belangrijk het is om te beseffen dat de oplossing reeds in het individu zit, die dit enkel nog niet ziet, en dat door de juiste technieken, kennis, inzicht, empathie en intuïtie van de coach of leidinggevende, de andere persoon tot inzichten komt, oplossingen ziet, het potentieel in zichzelf ontdekt, stappen zet.
Je wordt inderdaad wat je denkt en dit is een proces dat nooit meer stopt.
Ik vind de kwaliteit van de Inge Rock academy TOP! Ik heb meer inzicht gekregen in mezelf en in de mens. Ik leer elke keer waardevolle dingen bij, die mijn zelfontwikkeling ten goede komen. De begeleiding en de teachers zijn super! Een aanrader voor iedereen.
Ik heb 1 andere cursus gevolgd waar de gsm van de teacher belangrijker leek dan wij. Dat doet de waarde van de cursus direct zakken. Bij de Inge Rock academy heb ik meer het gevoel van "thuis komen". Voor mij persoonlijk voelt dit goed. Ik leer steeds dingen bij en dat vind ik geweldig.
Ik was erg onder de indruk van de verbondenheid tussen de teachers en de deelnemers. De energie zat goed en iedereen voelde zich op zijn gemak. Een goed begin om heel veel informatie te kunnen verwerken.
Al jaren was ik bezig met coaching en persoonlijke ontwikkeling. Training na training leerde ik meer en beter hoe het moest. Dat dacht ik tenminste.
Het was absoluut onbetaalbaar. De energie was zo fantastisch en zelfs verslavend, zodat ik me zelfs na de derde dag nog niet moe voelde. Ik was het meest verbaasd toen ik de antwoorden in mezelf vond. Antwoorden die er steeds hebben gezeten, maar niemand was in staat geweest de juiste vragen te stellen. Een dikke DANK JE WEL aan fantastische Inge.
Als jonge ondernemer leerde ik hoe je coaching problemen benadert en mensen leidt.